Sunday 5 September 2010

Starting With The End

For a long while I considered writing a blog reviewing my favourite releases from the best bands around, but it wasn't until I found out that the band Crime In Stereo were calling it a day that I finally made it round to doing this.

Crime In Stereo began as a relatively standard NY hardcore band but as time went on, evolved into something much more original and brilliant. Their final release 'I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone' blew me away on the very first listen. The album is filled with dancey beats, washes of distorted guitar and a heart-felt, frank vocal that doesn't fail to stand the hairs up on the back of my neck. Particular stand-out tracks are hard to choose from an album so altogether rounded but particularly 'Drugwolf' and 'Type One' boast such an epic and dancey, yet definite punk rock sound that they are works of genius on their own.
I could not more strongly recommend this album to people, regardless of their usual listening choice. This album has shown me the true versatility of punk rock, and that it can still be experimental 30 years since its invention.

Sounds Like: Nothing I've ever heard before
Buy: The whole album, it's brilliant.

R.I.P Crime In Stereo, you will be missed.